
Explorations in math and programming
David Lowry-Duda

The notes below are approximately sorted into areas.

Modular Forms and $L$-Functions

  1. Numerically Computing Residues of $L$-functions, 2024.
    The note
    discussion page

  2. Some details on Hecke algebras, 2024.
    The note
    discussion page

  3. Bounds on partial sums from functional equations, 2024.
    The note
    discussion page

  4. Computing Petersson inner products, 2023.
    The note

  5. Visualizing Modular Curves, a short technical note on implementation details for modular curve visualizations, 2022.
    The note
    discussion page

  6. A note on Gaussian Integers, and a note on Gaussian primes, supplements for an elementary number theory course.

Algebraic Geometry

  1. Explicit equations for cubic surfaces, 2024.
    The note
    discussion page