I'm David Lowry-Duda. I'm a Senior Research Scientist at ICERM.
I study mathematics. My research falls mostly inside number theory, arithmetic geometry, cryptography, and computation. I study these topics using tools from modular forms, complex analysis, Fourier analysis, algebraic geometry, and software. I devote a lot of my time developing research math software.
I'm fortunate to be supported by the Simons Collaboration in Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, and Computation.
Mathematical Potential
I subscribe to the axioms laid out1 1 included in Todas Cuentan in the AMS Notices by Federico Ardila:
- Mathematical potential is distributed equally among different groups, irrespective of geographic, demographic, and economic boundaries.
- Everyone can have joyful, meaningful, and empowering mathematical experiences.
- Mathematics is a powerful, malleable tool that can be shaped and used differently by various communities to serve their needs.
- Every student deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.
Previous Studies
I studied at Georgia Tech for undergrad. I studied applied mathematics, international affairs, and modern languages. I was not immediately set on mathematics and instead took my time to determine what I liked. I studied abroad in Spain and Mexico, worked in the European Parliament in Brussels, and then attended the Budapest Semester in Mathematics program. By the end, my interests favored math and I began to focus on number theory.
I went to Brown for graduate school, studying analytic number theory. I began to work on the LMFDB during my postdoc at the University of Warwick, which is when I began to incorporate computational number theory into my work.
About this site
I write about research, teaching, programming, math, and what interests me. I include discussions about my research and related work. Some of these posts are aimed at my collaborators. There are many mathematical tidbits and context that are useful to know, but that don't fit in papers.
When I'm teaching, I use this site to distribute supplemental materials. These remain available for everyone — I hope they're useful.
This site has no ads, no tracking scripts, no tracking pixels, and almost no external scripts (except mathjax or an occasional visualization library).
The photo at the top of this page is from my sister-in-law-in-law, Magda.
If you enjoy my work and wish to support this site in a small way, you might like to buy me a coffee.
Contacting me
If you have a question or comment about my work or site, send me an email at david@lowryduda.com. If you prefer official-sounding emails, davidlowryduda@brown.edu also reaches me.
I'm a moderator at math.stackexchange and am present in various other fora and sites as something similar to "mixedmath" or "davidlowryduda". Please note that I don't respond to moderator inquiries here or over email, but I am very happy to talk about math.
I have a PGP key2
2see relevant xkcd
associated to davidlowryduda@davidlowryduda.com
available from
keyservers with fingerprint 8369 7536 2D4F 19C1 8357 DDBD 42E1 5895 BF7F
. I'm also davidlowryduda on keybase.
Disclaimer: Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Simons Collaboration, National Science Foundation, or any other institution.