This week, I've been at the Mathematics and Machine Learning program at Harvard's Center of Mathematical Sciences and Applications. The underlying topic was on number theory and I've been studying various number theoretic problems from a machine learning perspective.
I've been computing several experiments related to estimating the Mobius function $\mu(n)$. Previous machine learning experiments on studying $\mu(n)$ have used neural networks or classifiers. Francois Charton made an integer sequence to integer sequence transformer-based translator, Int2Int, and I thought it would be fun to see if this works any different.
Initially, I sought to get Int2Int to work. I describe aspects of that and how to run it in various ways here.
I'm splitting my description into two parts: a general report and a technical report. This is the technical report1 1This report is also available as a pdf. This includes many details related to actually running and analyzing the code.
I note it is possible to run Int2Int using a CPU (though it's much slower). Francois and Edgar Costa (and to a lesser extent, me) have tried ot make Int2Int as self-contained as possible. It's certainly easier now than it was a few weeks ago — it might be possible for the Reader to experiment with using only the README there.
Training from data files
By default, Int2Int expects to be able to generate valid inputs and outputs on the fly. We wanted to use and experiment with data that is nontrivial to compute (such as the Möbius function or data associated to elliptic curves). For that, we've added the ability to train from data files.
It would be fair to say that running Int2Int with default settings is so easy that the hardest part to get up and running is creating the data files. And this is only as hard as the data is to generate and store.
To train from data files, the file needs ot have a particular format.
Recall that Int2Int fundamentall reads and outputs sequences of integers.
Each integer is encoded as s ad ... a0
, where s
is either +
or -
and is
the sign, and ad
through a0
are the digits in a given base (which defaults
to $1000$).
For example, the number $12345$ is encoded as + 12 345
An array of $n$ integers is encoded as Vn z1 ... zn
, where the n
in Vn
the actual number. For example, the array $(1, 1234, 1234567)$ is encoded as
V3 + 1 + 1 234 + 1 234 567
A datafile should have the input given as an array of the appropriate length,
followed by a tab character \t
, followed by the output. As an even more
technical note, the output can be specified by a range of values instead of as
an integer or integer array; this is useful with $\mu(n)$ since it can only
take $3$ values. This has to do with the symbol table that Int2Int uses, and
the fact that it uses cross-entropy
loss to measure performance.
A complete datafile could be the following.
V5 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 4 + 5\t+ 1
V5 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 5\t+ 0
This data file has the spec int[5]:int
. If we wanted more than a single int
as output, we would have to use Vn
appropriately. There is an additional
datatype called range
(with python-like semantics). In practice, if we know
the output is a single constrained integer, there is a minor boost from using
instead of int
Datafile Generation Scripts
I generated most of my datafiles using a script that closely looked like the
following. This is a sagemath
script. That is, it's mostly python, but it has
inbuilt commands primes
and moebius
that I take for granted.
primes_100 = list(primes(542)) # generate list of 100 primes
def encode_integer(val, base=1000, digit_sep=" "):
if val == 0:
return '+ 0'
sgn = '+' if val >= 0 else '-'
val = abs(val)
r = []
while val > 0:
r.append(str(val % base))
val = val//base
return digit_sep.join(r)
# Each line has an input, a tab, and an output.
def make_line(n):
return make_input(n) + "\t" + make_output(n) + "\n"
def make_input(n):
ret = []
count = len(primes_100)
for p in primes_100:
ret.append(encode_integer(n % p)) # feed in n mod p
ret.append(encode_integer(p)) # followed by p
return ' '.join(ret)
def make_output(n):
return str(moebius(n))
What's left is to determine what family of $n$ to input. For performing regression-like tasks, Francois noted that using a log-distribution tends to work best. This is more like a classification task as the output is one of $0$, $-1$, or $1$. Thus I generically uniformly sampled integers $n$ up to some large bound like $10^{13}$ without repetition. To do this, I generate random integers in the range and check to make sure that I don't generate the same one twice.
import random
seen = set()
with open("mu_modp_and_p.txt", "w", encoding="utf8") as outfile:
while len(seen) < 10**7:
n = random.randint(2, 10**13)
if n in seen:
Note that this creates $10^7$ lines, each having approximately $200 \cdot 3 \sim 1000$ characters. The resulting file will be approximately 10GB. Adjust the parameters appropriately!
The slow part is computing $\mu(n)$ for random integers. Generating random numbers (including the $10^{-6}$ chance of hitting a previously seen number) and writing to the file is fast; computing $\mu(n)$ for a random $12$ digit number can be slow-ish.
But in practice, the actual slow part is training the resulting ML model. I didn't work to optimize generation of $\mu$ at all.
I note that a sieve could generate all the Möbius values up to $N$ at once.
Then you could sample from these values in whatever way makes sense.
Something along the following lines would work (and would remove the sagemath
def primes_up_to(X):
A basic implementation of Eratosthenes.
arr = [True] * (X + 1)
arr[0] = arr[1] = False
primes = []
for p in range(X + 1):
if arr[p]: # is prime
for j in range(p*p, X + 1, p):
arr[j] = False
return primes
def mobius_up_to(X):
arr = [1] * (X + 1)
arr[0] = 0
ps = primes_up_to(X)
for p in ps:
for j in range(p, X + 1, p):
arr[j] *= -1
for j in range(p*p, X + 1, p*p):
arr[j] = 0
return arr
Making testing and training data
I then make testing and training data.
import os
def shuffle_and_create(fname, ntrain=1900000, ntest=100000):
"Shuffle and create test and training files"
if not fname.endswith(".txt"):
raise ValueError("Incorrect filename assumption.")
name = fname[:-4] # remove ".txt"
os.system(f"shuf {name}.txt > {name}.shuf.txt")
print("making training data...")
os.system(f"head -n {ntrain} {name}.shuf.txt > {name}.txt.train")
print("making testing data...")
os.system(f"tail -n {ntest} {name}.shuf.txt > {name}.txt.test")
It's now time to actually run the code. It's necessary to have a python with pytorch installed (not surprisingly) and to have Int2Int somewhere. But a generic run would look like
python ../Int2Int/
–num_workers 0
–dump_path ~/scratch
–exp_name dld_mu_modp_and_p_sqfree
–exp_id 1
–train_data ./mu_modp_and_p_sqfree.txt.train
–eval_data ./mu_modp_and_p_sqfree.txt.test
–local_gpu 1
–epoch_size 250000
–operation data
–data_types "int[200]:range(-1,2)"
–optimizer "adam,lr=0.00025"
This was one of the commands I used when using $(n \bmod p, p)$ for the first $100$ primes (giving $200$ inputs total) and output just $\mu(n)$ (one int in a prescribed range).
Most of these are straightforward. The –optimizer
command is deceptively
useful, largely because changing the initial learning rate can have large
impacts on the overall performance.
When run in this way, it's almost certain that you'll need to manually stop the experiment before it has a complete run. This is because the default number of epochs to train through is very large. In practice, it's a good idea to sometimes look at the outputs or parse the logs and to see how the behavior is going.
For log parsing and graph creation, I used the following (largely written by someone else, maybe Edgar Costa). This is a pile of code, but it's just parsing the pickled logs from a set of experiments. Log writing and parsing always takes piles of not-very-hard code. This is no exception.
# path and env name : THIS IS YOUR DUMP PATH
path = "~/scratch/"
indicator = "valid_arithmetic"
import os
import pickle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import glob
import ast
from datetime import datetime
from tabulate import tabulate
import numpy as np
from operator import itemgetter
unwanted_args = ['dump_path']
var_args = set()
all_args = {}
# list experiments
xps = [(env, xp) for env in xp_env
for xp in os.listdir(path+'/'+env)
if (len(xp_id_selector)==0 or xp in xp_id_selector)
and (len(xp_id_filter)==0 or not xp in xp_id_filter)]
names = [path + env + '/' + xp for (env, xp) in xps]
print(len(names),"experiments found")
# read all args
pickled_xp = 0
for name in names:
pa = name+'/params.pkl'
if not os.path.exists(pa):
print("Unpickled experiment: ", name)
pk = pickle.load(open(pa,'rb'))
pickled_xp += 1
print(pickled_xp, "pickled experiments found")
# find variable args
for name in names:
pa = name+'/params.pkl'
if not os.path.exists(pa):
pk = pickle.load(open(pa,'rb'))
for key,value in all_args.items():
if key in pk.__dict__ and value == pk.__dict__[key]:
if key not in unwanted_args:
print("common args")
for key in all_args:
if key not in unwanted_args and key not in var_args:
print(key,"=", all_args[key])
print(len(var_args)," variables params out of", len(all_args))
def vars_from_env_xp(env, xp):
res = {}
pa = path+env+'/'+xp+'/params.pkl'
if not os.path.exists(pa):
print("pickle", pa, "not found")
return res
pk = pickle.load(open(pa,'rb'))
for key in var_args:
if key in pk.__dict__:
res[key] = pk.__dict__[key]
res[key] = None
return res
def get_start_time(line):
parsed_line = line.split(" ")
dt = datetime.strptime(parsed_line[2]+' '+parsed_line[3],"%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S")
idx = parsed_line.index("epoch")
curr_epoch = int(parsed_line[idx+1])
except ValueError:
curr_epoch = ""
return dt, curr_epoch
def read_xp(env, xp, indics, max_epoch=None):
res = {"env":env, "xp": xp, "stderr":False, "log":False, "error":False}
stderr_file = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), 'workdir/'+env+'/*/'+xp+'.stderr')
nb_stderr =len(glob.glob(stderr_file))
if nb_stderr > 1:
print("duplicate stderr", env, xp)
return res
for name in glob.glob(stderr_file):
with open(name, 'rt') as f:
errlines = []
cuda = False
terminated = False
forced = False
for line in f:
if line.find("RuntimeError:") >= 0:
if line.find("CUDA out of memory") >= 0:
cuda = True
if line.find("Exited with exit code 1") >=0:
terminated = True
if line.find("Force Terminated") >=0:
forced = True
res["forced"] = forced
res["terminated"] = terminated
if len(errlines) > 0:
res["error"] = True
res["runtime_errors"] = errlines
res["oom"] = cuda
if not cuda:
print(stderr_file,"runtime error no oom")
pa = path+env+'/'+xp+'/train.log'
if not os.path.exists(pa):
return res
res["log"] = True
with open(pa, 'rt') as f:
series = []
for ind in indics:
best_val = -1.0
best_xel = 999999999.0
best_epoch = -1
epoch = -1
val = -1
ended = False
nanfound = False
nb_sig10 = 0
nb_sig15 = 0
counter = 0
counting = False
for line in f:
if counting:
counter += 1
if line.find("Signal handler called with signal 10") >= 0:
nb_sig10 += 1
if line.find("Signal handler called with signal 15") >= 0:
nb_sig15 += 1
if line.find("Stopping criterion has been below its best value for more than") >=0:
ended = True
elif line.find("============ Starting epoch") >=0:
dt, curr_epoch = get_start_time(line)
if curr_epoch == max_epoch: break
res["start_time"] = dt
if curr_epoch >0 and curr_epoch == res["curr_epoch"]+1:
res["eval_time"] += (dt - res["end_time"]).total_seconds()
res["curr_epoch"] = curr_epoch
elif line.find("============ End of epoch") >=0:
dt, curr_epoch = get_start_time(line)
if curr_epoch != res["curr_epoch"]:
print("epoch mismatch", curr_epoch,"in", env,",", xp)
res["end_time"] = dt
res["train_time"] += (dt-res["start_time"]).total_seconds()
elif line.find("- model LR:") >=0:
loss = line.split(" ")[-5].strip()
train_loss.append(None if loss == 'nan' else float(loss))
elif line.find("- LR:") >=0:
loss = line.split(" ")[-4].strip()
if loss == "predictions.":
train_loss.append(None if loss == 'nan' else float(loss))
elif line.find('- test predicted pairs') >=0:
counter = 0
counting = True
pos = line.find('__log__:')
if pos >=0:
counting = False
if line[pos+8:].find(': NaN,') >= 0:
nanfound = True
line = line.replace(': NaN,',': -1.0,')
dic = ast.literal_eval(line[pos+8:])
epoch = dic["epoch"]
if not indicator+"_"+indics[0] in dic:
if not indicator+"_"+indics[1] in dic:
val = dic[indicator+"_"+indics[0]]
xel = dic[indicator+"_"+indics[1]]
if xel < best_xel:
best_xel= xel
if val > best_val:
best_val = val
best_epoch = epoch
res["best_dic"] = dic
for i, indic in enumerate(indics):
if indicator+"_"+indic in dic:
except Exception as e:
print(e, "exception in", env, xp)
res["nans"] = nanfound
res["ended"] = (ended or (nb_sig15 > nb_sig10))
res["last_epoch"] = epoch
res["last_acc"] = "{:.2f}".format(val)
res["best_epoch"] = best_epoch
res["best_acc"] = float("{:.2f}".format(best_val))
res["best_xeloss"] = "{:.2f}".format(best_xel)
res["avg_d"] = np.median(res['pred_nr'])
res["last_d"] = res['pred_nr'][-1] if len(res['pred_nr']) > 0 else -1
if epoch >=0:
res["train_time"] /= (epoch+1)
res["eval_time"] /= (epoch+1)
res["train_time"] = int(res["train_time"]+0.5)
res["eval_time"] = int(res["eval_time"]+0.5)
for i,indic in enumerate(indics):
res["last_"+indic] = "{:.2f}".format(series[i][-1]) if len(series[i])>0 else '0'
res["best_"+indic] = "{:.2f}".format(max(series[i])) if len(series[i])>0 else '0'
res[indic] = series[i]
if len(series[i])!= epoch + 1:
print("mismatch in nr of epochs",env, xp, epoch+1, len(series[i]), indic)
return res
data = []
indics = ["beam_acc" if has_beam is True else "acc","xe_loss"]
indics.extend(["correct", "perfect", "beam_acc_d1", "beam_acc_d2",
"beam_acc_nb", "additional_1","additional_2","additional_3"])
for (env, xp) in xps:
res = read_xp(env, xp, indics, None) # USE THE LAST PARAMETER IF YOU WANT TO LIMIT READ TO N EPOCHS
res.update(vars_from_env_xp(env, xp))
print(len(data), "experiments read")
print(len([d for d in data if d["stderr"] is False]),"stderr not found")
print(len([d for d in data if d["error"] is True]),"runtime errors")
print(len([d for d in data if "oom" in d and d["oom"] is True]),"oom errors")
print(len([d for d in data if "terminated" in d and d["terminated"] is True]),"exit code 1")
print(len([d for d in data if "forced" in d and d["forced"] is True]),"Force Terminated")
print(len([d for d in data if "last_epoch" in d and d["last_epoch"] >= 0]),"started XP")
print(len([d for d in data if "ended" in d and d["ended"] is True]),"ended XP")
print(len([d for d in data if "best_acc" in d and float(d["best_acc"]) > 0.0]),"began predicting")
And to make some graphs displaying various things, I would run the following. Or rather, I would run the above and below in a notebook, so the graphs display inline. (Otherwise I guess I would save them).
In practice, it was sufficient to look at the tail
of the running log and to
extract learning rate failures and accuracies on test sets.
import numpy as np
def compose(f,g):
return lambda x : f(g(x))
def print_table(data, args, sort=False):
res = []
for d in data:
line = [d[v] if v in d else None for v in args]
if sort:
res = sorted(res, key=compose(float,itemgetter(0)), reverse=True)
def speed_table(data, args, indic, sort=False, percent=95):
res = []
for d in data:
if indic in d:
line = [d[v] if v in d else None for v in args]
val= 10000
for i,v in enumerate(d[indic]):
if v >= percent and i < val:
val = i
e= args.copy()
e.insert(1,'first epoch')
if sort:
res = sorted(res, key=compose(float,itemgetter(1)), reverse=False)
def training_curve(data, indic, beg=0, end=-1, maxval=None, minval=None, export_to=""):
for d in data:
if indic in d:
if end == -1:
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [10,10]
if export_to != '':
# print(export_to)
def filter_xp(xp, filt):
for f in filt:
if not f in xp:
return False
if not xp[f] in filt[f]:
return False
return True
def xp_stats(data, splits, best_arg, best_value):
res_dic = {}
nb = 0
for d in data:
if d[best_arg] < best_value: continue
nb += 1
for s in splits:
if not s in d: continue
if lib in res_dic:
res_dic[lib] += 1
print(f"{nb} experiments with accuracy over {best_value}")
for elem in sorted(res_dic):
print(elem,' : ',res_dic[elem])
xp_filter ={}
fdata = [d for d in data if filter_xp(d, xp_filter) is True]
oomtab = [d for d in fdata if d["error"] is True]
print(f"CUDA out of memory ({len(oomtab)})")
print_table(oomtab, var_args)
forcetab = [d for d in fdata if 'forced' in d and d["forced"] is True]
print(f"Forced terminations ({len(forcetab)})")
print_table(forcetab, var_args)
unstartedtab = [d for d in fdata if "last_epoch" in d and d["last_epoch"] < 0]
print(f"Not started ({len(unstartedtab)})")
print_table(unstartedtab, var_args)
crypto = False
runargs = ["best_acc", "best_epoch","best_xeloss", "ended", "last_epoch",
"last_acc", "last_xe_loss","nans", "error", "train_time", "eval_time"]
#runargs.extend(["best_acc_d1" , "best_acc_d2"])
for v in var_args:
runningtab = [d for d in fdata if "last_epoch" in d and d["last_epoch"] >= 0]
print(f"Running experiments ({len(runningtab)})")
#splits = ['n_enc_layers','dec_emb_dim','reload_size']
#xp_stats(fdata, splits, 'best_acc',90.0)
print_table(runningtab, runargs, sort=True)
training_curve(fdata, "beam_acc" if has_beam is True else "acc",0, -1, None, export_to = "")
training_curve(fdata, "perfect")
training_curve(fdata, "correct")
training_curve(fdata, "xe_loss", 0) #, None, 0.9* np.min([x for d in fdata for x in d["xe_loss"] if x >0.0]))
training_curve(fdata, "train_loss",0, -1, 2)
speed_table(runningtab, runargs, "beam_acc" if has_beam else "acc", sort=True,percent=99)
speed_table(runningtab, runargs, "beam_acc" if has_beam else "acc", sort=True,percent=50)
speed_table(runningtab, runargs, "beam_acc" if has_beam else "acc", sort=True,percent=55)
speed_table(runningtab, runargs, "beam_acc" if has_beam else "acc", sort=True,percent=60)
I thought using residues mod several primes was a good strategy. Other experiments have shown2 2See Learning the greatest common divisor: explaining transformer predictions by François Charton. François also extracted Int2Int from the models used in this paper, more or less. Thank you François. that the base in which numbers are expressed can be very important.
Something like base $100$ or base $1000$ would allow for almost immediate recognition that $\mu(n) = 0$ if $25 \mid n$ or if $4 \mid n$, as these congruence classes are fixed. I'm more interested in what other sorts of mathematical structures the machine can learn.
In this case, I represented each number in base $1000$, but almost never needed to use any number larger than $1000$ (as the $100$th prime is $541$). The Chinese remainder theorem shows that this allows representation for every integer up to approximately $10^{219.67}$. This is large enough to be interesting.
# pure python - uses primes_up_to defined above
import math
from functools import reduce
primes_100 = primes_up_to(1000)[:100]
# 541
modulus = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, primes_100, 1)
# [...enormous...]
# 219.67...
If $n < 10^{219.67}$, then $n$ is uniquely determined by its residues mod $p$ for the first $100$ primes $p$.
Guessing $\mu(n)$ from $n \bmod p$ without using CRT
One of the questions that came up was the following mathematical (not programmatic) question.
How would you guess whether $n$ is squarefree or not given $n \bmod p$ for lots of primes $p$?
One way would be to perform the Chinese remainder theorem, reconstruct $n$, and then actually check. There is no known polynomial-time algorithm to check if an integer is squarefree, so this approach is generically slow.
The "default" algorithm would be to note that about $60.79$ percent of numbers
are squarefree.
So guessing squarefree
all the time would be right just over $60$ percent of
the time.
I want any algorithm that does better.
The Dirichlet series for squarefree numbers that are divisible by a fixed prime $q$ is \begin{equation}\label{eq:euler} \frac{1}{q^s} \prod_{\substack{p \\ p \neq q}} \Big( 1 + \frac{1}{p^s} \Big) = \frac{1}{q^s} \frac{(1 - 1/q^s)}{(1 - 1/q^{2s})} \frac{\zeta(s)}{\zeta(2s)}, \end{equation} and the series for squarefree numbers that aren't divisible by a fixed prime $q$ is the same, but without $q^{-s}$. Thus the percentage of integers that are squarefree and divisible by $q$ or not divisible by $q$ are, respectively, \begin{equation}\label{eq:local_densities} \frac{1}{q+1} \frac{6}{\pi^2} \quad \text{and} \quad \frac{q}{q+1} \frac{6}{\pi^2}. \end{equation} A simple application of conditional probability shows that \begin{align*} P(\text{sqfree} | \text{q-even}) &= \frac{P(\text{sqfree and q-even})}{P(\text{q-even})} = \frac{q}{q+1} \frac{6}{\pi^2} \\ P(\text{sqfree} | \text{q-odd}) &= \frac{P(\text{sqfree and q-odd})}{P(\text{q-odd})} = \frac{q^2}{q^2 - 1} \frac{6}{\pi^2}. \end{align*} I use the adhoc shorthand $q$-even to mean divisible by $q$, and $q$-odd to mean not divisible by $q$.
Let's quickly experimentally verify this. We make squarefree numbers with yet another Eratosthenes-type sieve.
def squarefree_up_to(X):
arr = [True] * (X + 1)
arr[0] = False
ps = primes_up_to(int(X**.5) + 1)
for p in ps:
for j in range(p*p, X + 1, p*p):
arr[j] = False
ret = []
for i in range(X + 1):
if arr[i]:
return ret
sfree = squarefree_up_to(10_000_000)
# 0.6079291
import math
# 0.6079271018540267
As an aside, I note that this converges very quickly. Look at how close that is! One useless application of the Riemann Hypothesis is that is would guarantee how quickly the density of the number of squarefree numbers up to $X$ would converge to $6/\pi^2$.
def ratio_sqfree_with(filterfunc):
return sum(1 for n in sfree if filterfunc(n))/len(sfree)
def is_even(x):
return 1 if x % 2 == 0 else 0
def is_odd(x):
return 1 if x % 2 == 1 else 0
# even and sqfree
# 0.3333309756022536
# odd and sqfree
# 0.6666690243977463
def is_3even(x):
return 1 if x % 3 == 0 else 0
def is_3odd(x):
return not is_3even(x)
# 0.24999839619455624
# 0.7500016038054438
This agrees with the claim above that $1/(q+1)$ of squarefree numbers are divisible by the prime $q$, and $q/(q+1)$ are not. The converse probabilities follow from basic probability, but to make sure:
sqfree_set = set(sfree) # for quick inclusion checking
def prob_sqfree_given(filterfunc):
sqfree_count = 0
total_count = 0
for n in (x for x in range(10_000_000) if filterfunc(x)):
total_count += 1
if n in sqfree_set:
sqfree_count += 1
if total_count == 0:
return 0.0
return sqfree_count / total_count
# P(sqfree | divis by 2)
# 0.4052832
# P(sqfree | not divis by 2)
# 0.810575
# P(sqfree | divis by 3)
# 0.45594380881123825
3/4 * 6/math.pi**2
# 0.45594532639052
# P(sqfree | not divis by 3)
# 0.6839217683921769
9/8 * 6/math.pi**2
# 0.68391798958578
These are very close to the theoretical computations above — again, it turns out that convergence is very quick.
Compound Probabilities
We'll compute joint probabilities theoretically in a moment. But we'll also experimentally find them.
Let's look at the probability using the small-prime strategy for the primes $2, 3, 5$: if $n$ is divisible by one of these, guess that $n$ is not squarefree; otherwise guess that $n$ is squarefree.
def not_divis_by_small_prime(n):
for p in (2, 3, 5):
if n % p == 0:
return False
return True
A = prob_sqfree_given(not_divis_by_small_prime)
# 0.9498902374725594
def prob_notsqfree_given(filterfunc):
notsqfree_count = 0
total_count = 0
for n in (x for x in range(10_000_000) if filterfunc(x)):
total_count += 1
if n not in sqfree_set:
notsqfree_count += 1
if total_count == 0:
return 0
return notsqfree_count / total_count
def divis_by_small_prime(n):
return not not_divis_by_small_prime(n)
B = prob_notsqfree_given(divis_by_small_prime)
# 0.5164203621436034
The density of numbers not divisible by $2, 3$, or $5$ is $(1 - 1/2)(1 - 1/3)(1 - 1/5) \approx 0.2666$. Thus $0.2666$ of the time, $n$ isn't divisible by $2$ or $3$ or $5$ and we would guess that $n$ is squarefree; this is correct about $0.9498$ of the time. And the $0.7333$ of the time when $n$ is divisible by at least one of $2$ or $3$ or $5$, we guess that $n$ is not squarefree; this is correct $0.5164$ of the time.
In total, we expect that this strategy is correct with density \begin{equation} 0.2666 \cdot 0.9498 + 0.7333 \cdot 0.5164 \approx 0.6318. \end{equation}
Let's check:
not_divis_prob = (1 - 1/2)*(1 - 1/3)*(1 - 1/5)
corr = not_divis_prob * A + (1 - not_divis_prob) * B
# 0.6320123288979917
If you look, you'll see that this does better than the naive guess (always guess squarefree) but is worse than guessing based only on mod $2$ data. This is because we're ignoring all of the various cross-correlations. Clearly incorporating cross-correlations can never do worse than only using the mod $2$ data.
Suppose we look instead at all the probabilities for all $2^\ell$ possibilities of $n$ being divisible or not by the first $\ell$ primes. Here, I use the first $4$ primes, and the strategy is simple: compute whether it is more likely for $n$ to be squarefree or not given each divisibility pattern, and guess that one.
def binary_to_prime_sets(n, length=4):
assert length <= 25
b = bin(n)[2:]
b = "0" * (length - len(b)) + b
is_divis = []
not_divis = []
ps = primes_up_to(100)[:length]
for l, p in zip(b, ps):
if l == "1":
return is_divis, not_divis
def divis_rules(is_divis, not_divis):
def filterfunc(n):
for p in is_divis:
if n % p != 0:
return False
for p in not_divis:
if n % p == 0:
return False
return True
return filterfunc
def density_given(is_divis, not_divis):
filterfunc = divis_rules(is_divis, not_divis)
count = 0
for n in (x for x in range(10_000_000) if filterfunc(x)):
count += 1
return count/10_000_000
correct = 0
exp = 4
for n in range(2**exp):
is_divis, not_divis = binary_to_prime_sets(n, length=exp)
ff = divis_rules(is_divis, not_divis)
psqfree = prob_sqfree_given(ff)
density = density_given(is_divis, not_divis)
prob = max(psqfree, 1 - psqfree)
correct += density * prob
is_divis, not_divis, n,
psqfree, density, prob, density * prob, correct
) # my own diagnostics
# 0.7031860000000001
Remarkably this almost no better than just $2$ alone! Before performing this computation, I had assumed that it would be notably better. Instead, it's close enough that it might actually be the same as using $2$ alone, combined with numerical imprecision.
With this set up, we can compute the theoretical probabilities instead of using experimentally determined probabilities.
Actual computation
Let $\{p_1, \ldots, p_N\}$ and $\{q_1, \ldots, q_D\}$ denote two disjoint sets of primes. We want to compute the density of squarefree numbers that are divisible by each of the $p_i$ and not divisible by any of the $q_j$. Each of these local conditions are independent; the overall density is the product of the local densities as described in~\eqref{eq:euler} and~\eqref{eq:local_densities}. That is, the density of integers divisible by the $p_i$ and not divisible by the $q_j$ is \begin{equation} \prod_{p_i} \Big( \frac{1}{p_i + 1} \Big) \prod_{q_j} \Big( \frac{q_j}{q_j + 1} \Big) \frac{6}{\pi^2}. \end{equation}
Recall the chain rule from probability, that says \begin{equation} P\Bigl(\bigcap_{i = 1}^k E_i \Bigr) = P\Bigl( E_1 | \bigcap_{i = 2}^k E_i \Bigr) = P\Bigl( E_1 | \bigcap_{i = 2}^k E_i \Bigr) P\Bigl(\bigcap_{i = 2}^k E_i \Bigr), \end{equation} (and which could chain further). I write $P(\text{sqfree}, p_1, p_2, \widehat{q_1}, \widehat{q_2})$ to mean the probability that a number is squarefree, divisible by $p_1$ and $p_2$, and not divisible by $q_1$ or $q_2$ (with obvious notational generalization). Then \begin{equation} P(\text{sqfree} | p_1, \ldots, p_N, \widehat{q_1}, \ldots, \widehat{q_D}) = \frac{ P(\text{sqfree}, p_1, \ldots, p_N, \widehat{q_1}, \ldots, \widehat{q_D}) } { P(p_1, \ldots, p_N, \widehat{q_1}, \ldots, \widehat{q_D}) }. \end{equation} Divisibility by different primes are independent, so this simplifies to \begin{equation} P(\text{sqfree} | p_1, \ldots, p_N, \widehat{q_1}, \ldots, \widehat{q_D}) = \frac{ P(\text{sqfree}, p_1, \ldots, p_N, \widehat{q_1}, \ldots, \widehat{q_D}) } { P(p_1) \cdots P(p_N) P(\widehat{q_1}) \cdots P(\widehat{q_D}) }. \end{equation} We also have that $P(p) = 1/p$ and $P(\widehat{q}) = (q-1)/q$.
Altogether, we compute that \begin{equation} P(\text{sqfree} | p_1, \ldots, p_N, \widehat{q_1}, \ldots, \widehat{q_D}) = \prod_{p_i} \Big( \frac{p_i}{p_i + 1} \Big) \prod_{q_j} \Big( \frac{q^2_j}{q^2_j - 1} \Big) \frac{6}{\pi^2}. \end{equation} Note that this generalizes the previous probabilities and is generically straightforward.
Let's quickly check by computing $P(\text{sqfree} | 2, 3)$ and $P(\text{sqfree} | 2, \widehat{3})$: \begin{align*} P(\text{sqfree} | 2, 3) &= \frac{1}{2} \frac{6}{\pi^2} \approx 0.3039, \\ P(\text{sqfree} | 2, \widehat{3}) &= \frac{3}{4} \frac{6}{\pi^2} \approx 0.4559. \end{align*}
divis_by_2_and_3 = divis_rules([2, 3], [])
# 0.30395813920837217
divis_by_2_not_3 = divis_rules([2], [3])
# 0.45594574559457457
Let's now compute the density of the following strategy being correct:
- Fix a set of primes $P$.
- For each partition of $P$ into two disjoint sets of primes $\{ p_i \}$ and $\{ q_j \}$:
- Compute $P(\text{sqfree} | p_1, \ldots, p_N, \widehat{q_1}, \ldots, \widehat{q_D})$.
- For integers satisfying this set of prime divisibility rules, guess ''squarefree'' if this probability is larger than $0.5$; otherwise guess ''not squarefree''.
def prob_sqfree_theoretical(ps, qs):
ret = 6/math.pi**2
for p in ps:
ret *= (p / (p + 1))
for q in qs:
ret *= (q*q/(q*q - 1))
return ret
prob_sqfree_theoretical([2], [3])
# 0.45594532639052
I assume we use the first $\ell$ primes and reuse some of the same logic as above.
def density_theoretical(ps, qs):
ret = 1
for p in ps:
ret *= (1/p)
for q in qs:
ret *= (q-1)/q
return ret
def strategy(ell):
correct = 0
for n in range(2**ell):
ps, qs = binary_to_prime_sets(n, length=ell)
psqfree = prob_sqfree_theoretical(ps, qs)
density = density_theoretical(ps, qs)
prob = max(psqfree, 1 - psqfree)
correct += density * prob
return correct
# 0.7026423672846756
# 0.7034137933079656
# 0.7034211847385363
# 0.7034221516869834
Computing this for anything much larger would be prohibitively computationally expensive. Without more sophisticated thinking, it seems we've hit a wall. Presumably this continues to grow, but perhaps is strictly bounded.
I pose this as an open question. It's not clear to me how hard it is to answer it.
What is the limiting behavior of this strategy? Can it be shown to be less than $71$ percent?
Extended remark on the utility of machine learning for pure mathematics
Machine learning operates as a block box. There may be many problems where it can achieve impressive results, but it might give no clues as to how it actually does its predictions.
But one place where it is useful is acting as a one-sided oracle to determine whether the inputs are enough to correctly evaluate an output. For example, if I wanted to determine if a particular set of inputs are sufficient to determine some behavior, I might try to feed these inputs along with known outcomes into a machine learning blackbox. If the ML soup acts with high accuracy using only those inputs, it seems more likely that those variables are indeed significant.
It's "one-sided" because the model might simply fail to model the function well. Failing to obtain high accuracy could reflect merely that the model wasn't strong enough, or there wasn't enough data, or any of a variety of points of failure that are independent of the underlying mathematical question.
And it's an "oracle" because there are no explanations for the insight. We can not ask for the workings behind the curtain.
With regard to the question above, I think I've tried such a variety of models and structures and learning rates that I suspect that knowing $n \bmod p$ for the first $100$ primes isn't enough to guess $\mu(n)^2$ on random input $n$ more than $75$ percent of the time. And this belief is bolstered by the failure of the ML to do better. (I've tried neural networks of various forms too, even though I haven't described those here).
But unfortunately that's not the direction the oracle sees and I don't believe in the strength of ML enough to make a conjecture or to draw a line in the sand.
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Comments (2)
2024-10-23 SH
Can you share the GPU code? Can you predict primes?
2024-10-24 David Lowry-Duda
All the code to run the experiments is here or in the Int2Int github repository I linked to. It's not as hard to run as it might look!
I don't know what you mean about primes. But if you set up an experiment along these lines, I'd be interested to hear about it.