
Explorations in math and programming
David Lowry-Duda

Links I find interesting

I roughly categorize by topic. But this is a weak categorization, as many of my favorite bloggers and website authors think about a variety of subjects.

Math and Mathlike

These are math blogs that I recommend.

These are perhaps dead, but still contain very interesting things.

Both this and PhD + Epsilon owe much to the excellent writing of Adriana Salerno.

If you are interested in learning math (including possibly research math), then you should know about the following. Initial contributions can be a bit scary, but these communities are extremely valuable tools.

Are you interested in seeing a research talk, possibly online? See researchseminars.org.

Now I focus more strongly on topics specific to number theorists.

Programming, Computer Science, and Related

Maybe dead, but still great.


Books I recommend or find interesting

The following books serve as excellent hooks for various fields or studies in mathematics or computer science.1 1Note all that Amazon links below are affiliate links.

Algebra and Number Theory


Cryptography comes in a couple of different forms. The Mathematics of cryptography could in principle be done completely without a computer; tidbits of this appear in some number theory books. Practical cryptography requires coding. I have a bit of both here.


I don't have good experience with first books in programming. There are an enormous number of avenues to first learn programming (from books to classes to online lectures), and I simply haven't done them. My recommendations below are thus not for people completely new to programming.

I'll note that Serious Python is published by No Starch Press, which is extremely hit-or-miss. I don't recommend many of their books.

There is a big problem in C++ books, which is that the language had a major paradigm shift in 2011. All books written before 2011 still apply, but the nature of the application is just different. The similarly-titled Effective Modern C++, also by Scott Meyers, can be thought of as addressing these changes. But it actually covers different material!

Unfortunately, it is often best to first learn old-style intermediate C++, and then to learn modern best-practices. Presumably more books will slowly be written that address this, but this is the current landscape!

Finally, I give broad recommendations.