
About MathShare

MathShare is a simple tool for mathematicians to write, preview, and share snippets of mathematical content using Markdown and MathJax. The goal is to provide an easy-to-use editor that allows seamless sharing of mathematical expressions.

MathShare is strongly inspired by by Susam Pal and was made just after Susam announced the closure of


How It Works

Type your Markdown and LaTeX math expressions in the editor. The preview updates in real-time (after a short delay to avoid stuttering). When you're ready to share, click "Generate URL" to create a shareable link containing your encoded content.

All of the content is contained in that URL. Nothing is stored on the server. (Actually this is just a static website!). Specifically, the URL contains a base64-encoded version of the tex+markdown, and this site encodes and decodes these strings.

As browsers only allow URLs up to approximately 2000 characters, this imposes an upper limit on the length of the content to approximately 1500 characters. The content is then encoded to a valid data url of approximately 2000 characters (it's longer because there are fewer valid characters in urls).

This site tries to allow simple printing of documents by removing all the unnecessary aspects when printing the webpage. Try selecting "print this page" on the main page from your browser and see for yourself.

Who Made This?

MathShare was created by David Lowry-Duda as a free and open-source tool for the mathematical community. If you find it useful, please consider supporting him.