MixedMath - Recent Commentshttps://davidlowryduda.comDavid's personal blog.en-usCopyright David Lowry-Duda (2022) - All Rights Reserved.admin@davidlowryduda.comadmin@davidlowryduda.comThu, 25 Jul 2024 16:42:43 +0000Thu, 25 Jul 2024 16:42:43 +0000mixedmathapp/generate_rss.py v0.1https://cyber.harvard.edu/rss/rss.htmlhttps://davidlowryduda.com/static/images/favicon-32x32.pngMixedMathhttps://davidlowryduda.comDLD on Maass forms in the LMFDBhttps://davidlowryduda.com/maass-forms-now-in-lmfdb<blockquote> <p>I experiment with mirroring some commentary from Mastodon and here. This is from <a href="https://mathstodon.xyz/@davidlowryduda">@davidlowryduda@mathstodon</a>.</p> </blockquote> <p>Rigorous Maass forms are now on the (beta) of the LMFDB! Go check them out.</p> <p>https://beta.lmfdb.org/ModularForm/GL2/Q/Maass/</p>4dcdc591fd742dfa47082f34230a8640Wed, 05 Jun 2024 03:14:15 +0000DLD on Another year, another TeXLive reinstallationhttps://davidlowryduda.com/another-year-another-texlive<blockquote> <p>I experiment with mirroring some commentary from Mastodon and here. This is from <a href="https://mathstodon.xyz/@davidlowryduda">@davidlowryduda@mathstodon</a>.</p> </blockquote> <p>Once a year, sometime shortly after March, I try to update something with <code>tlmgr</code> (the texlive manager) and it flails about. It tells me that I'm silly for not noticing that TeXLive has advanced another year, and that I should get with the times and update too.</p> <p>Then I spend 30 minutes updating my texlive.</p> <p>And then <em>afterwards</em> I can install the random latex package I needed.</p> <p>Today is that day for me. And the package was extdash.</p> <p>I do essentially the same steps every year. This year I put these steps in a public place.</p>c82a50f5c5ceff302f8ea93e78f79111Mon, 15 Apr 2024 03:14:15 +0000DLD on FLT3 at LftCM2024https://davidlowryduda.com/flt3-at-lftcm2024<p>Thank you to Edward van de Meent and Riccardo Brasca for comments and pointing out errors in earlier versions of this post.</p>81694b0804ac4a835f7465ef1a180c52Tue, 02 Apr 2024 03:14:15 +0000DLD on FLT3 at LftCM2024https://davidlowryduda.com/flt3-at-lftcm2024<blockquote> <p>I experiment with mirroring some commentary from Mastodon and here. This is from <a href="https://mathstodon.xyz/@davidlowryduda">@davidlowryduda@mathstodon</a>.</p> </blockquote> <p>I attended Lean for the Curious Mathematician 2024 at CIRM. Along with Riccardo Brasca, Sanyam Gupta, Omar Haddad, Lorenzo Luccioli, Pietro Monticone, Alexis Saurin, and Florent Schaffhauser, we proved the $n=3$ case of Fermat's Last Theorem in a <em>good way</em> in Lean.</p> <p>I wrote a bit more about this experience.</p>4707fb71daeb6011c3bfb73ed27beebeTue, 02 Apr 2024 03:14:15 +0000DLD on Zeros of Dirichlet Series IVhttps://davidlowryduda.com/zeros-of-dirichlet-series-iv<p>Thank you! I've fixed the typo.</p> <p>I haven't published these yet. I'm going to try to put this in a publishable form in the next couple of months.</p>c92ce204cb6bf35b76b1d5a2072cf5b8Wed, 06 Mar 2024 03:14:15 +0000DLD on Quanta on Murmurationshttps://davidlowryduda.com/quanta-on-murmurations<blockquote> <p>I experiment with mirroring some commentary from Mastodon and here. This is from <a href="https://mathstodon.xyz/@davidlowryduda">@davidlowryduda@mathstodon</a>.</p> </blockquote> <p>Quanta wrote an article on murmurations that mentions the work of my collaborators Bober, Booker, Lee, and I.</p> <p>We're not the focus, but we're there - and that's pretty cool. Check it out.</p> <p>I hope to announce another paper in the same direction in the next couple of weeks, too.</p>d83c5e80417edd57aa712f488c7fcf27Tue, 05 Mar 2024 03:14:15 +0000Chris on Zeros of Dirichlet Series IVhttps://davidlowryduda.com/zeros-of-dirichlet-series-iv<p>Have you published this yet? There is a typo in the second display equation. It should have a $\Lambda$ instead of a $\lambda$.</p>92cf0eaf79ad6553f40d4435930dfd71Tue, 05 Mar 2024 03:14:15 +0000PJ on Paper: Congruent number triangles with the same hypotenusehttps://davidlowryduda.com/paper-congruent-triangles-same-hypotenuse<p>@RB can't find more. You already found them all</p>33e5fc6e8f9c1af973871e399c59f88eThu, 15 Feb 2024 03:14:15 +0000DLD on Paper: Towards a Classification of Isolated $j$-invariantshttps://davidlowryduda.com/paper-isolated-j-invariants<p>I'll give a small update as a comment. Our paper has been accepted and will appear in <em>Mathematics of Computation</em> shortly. (And <em>Math Comp</em> was very fast and forthright with their review, which is nice).</p>0e93676137e85e8832a8c81d8376ed06Wed, 14 Feb 2024 03:14:15 +0000David Lowry-Duda on Examining Excess in the Schmidt Boundhttps://davidlowryduda.com/schmidt-experiment<p>I will also note that I hadn't expected this to be so cut and dry, and I ran a separate experiment that sampled randomly from the space of polynomials and went in that direction.</p> <p>The setup and conclusion are more complicated. But the conclusion is the same. So I chose to not document or include it.</p>949e5daee523c8d6ec9629f717261c7bTue, 13 Feb 2024 03:14:15 +0000David Lowry-Duda on Examining Excess in the Schmidt Boundhttps://davidlowryduda.com/schmidt-experiment<blockquote> <p>I experiment with mirroring some commentary from Mastodon and here. This is from <a href="https://mathstodon.xyz/deck/@davidlowryduda">@davidlowryduda@mathstodon.xyz</a>.</p> </blockquote> <p>I study excess in the Schmidt bound for number fields. Schmidt estimated that there are at most $X^{\frac{n + 2}{4}}$ number fields of degree $n$ with discriminant up to $X$. But we expect the real number is really of the form $cX$ for some constant $c$.</p> <p>To do this, Schmidt gives a region of polynomials to count, where some polynomial is guaranteed to generate each number field of discriminant up to $X$. There are two sorts of error there: counting polynomials that yield number fields with discriminant larger than $X$, and sets of polynomials that all count the same number field.</p> <p>Which error is larger?</p> <p>For heuristic reasons, we should expect counting polynomials that are <em>too large</em> to be a major source of overcounting. So perhaps a meaningful question would be: does counting the same number field multiple times account for much of the error at all?</p> <p>In this note I describe an experiment and show that no, repeated counting isn't a significant factor.</p>0f8f1e84fb2cf4729e26fe916679675eTue, 13 Feb 2024 03:14:15 +0000DLD on Plaintext Emailhttps://davidlowryduda.com/plaintext-email<p>I use K-9 on mobile, and a variety of clients on various machines.</p> <p>The mobile app for gmail cannot send plaintext. By default, the web interface doesn't &mdash; but it can.</p> <p>Plaintext is worse for marketing. You can't hide links or track image loading for additional analytics, so it is maybe no surprise that ad-based companies default to HTML email.</p>64ac535f751e6f3e65e3da05a5ac2843Wed, 24 Jan 2024 03:14:15 +0000gmailer on Plaintext Emailhttps://davidlowryduda.com/plaintext-email<p>What email do you use? gmail doesn't use plaintext?</p>0a22be4f946a5dbc1fa16140cf478e32Tue, 23 Jan 2024 03:14:15 +0000David Lowry-Duda on Bounds on partial sums from functional equationshttps://davidlowryduda.com/bounds-on-partial-sums-from-fe<blockquote> <p>I experiment with mirroring some commentary from Mastodon and here. This is from <a href="https://mathstodon.xyz/deck/@davidlowryduda">@davidlowryduda@mathstodon.xyz</a>.</p> </blockquote> <p>In my first public note of the year, I comment on applying Landau's method to partial sums of full and half integral weight modular forms. This is where one uses a combinations of smoothed sums $\sum_{n \leq X} a(n) (n - X)^k$ to find reasonable bounds for the sharp sum $\sum_{n \leq X} a(n)$.</p> <p>Implicitly, this note compares what one can do from my paper with Thorne and Taniguchi against my sequence of papers with Hulse, Kuan, and Walker &mdash; and identifies where there is hope to get better results in the future.</p> <p>For additional context: I've been interested in improving these bounds since 2016. I've now studied the primary bound of $\sum_{n \leq X} a(n)$ in several different ways, and they all produce the same bound. This hints at some <em>true barrier</em> to our understanding, but I don't actually understand what this is.</p>44a445214ad21d2d2289c3b9f9797fd5Thu, 18 Jan 2024 03:14:15 +0000DLD on Comments on this sitehttps://davidlowryduda.com/comments-v4<p>Yes, your message came through just fine. For a typical message, it's easy to extract plain messages from email. If someone were to try to send formatted content inside an HTML email, that might be a problem.</p> <p>I use a couple of different email programs depending on context. See <a href="https://useplaintext.email/">useplaintext.email</a> for more precise software recommendations that I also generically support.</p>44d28008f4a5d030b2a8297036c162ccWed, 15 Nov 2023 03:14:15 +0000Sarah on Comments on this sitehttps://davidlowryduda.com/comments-v4<p>What email do you use? Gmail doesn't support plain email? Did this comment go through?</p>7cc64a4ddfbb2ee336c2a5f6ec36f9dbMon, 13 Nov 2023 03:14:15 +0000DLD on Paper: Congruent number triangles with the same hypotenusehttps://davidlowryduda.com/paper-congruent-triangles-same-hypotenuse<p>Good luck! I'll note that the sparseness means that it is <em>extremely unlikely</em> that a naive search, even very efficiently coded, would beat the approach guided by elliptic curves I describe in the paper. But I would be very interested to know a counterexample (if it exists) or a proof (if it exists) to my conjecture.</p>f10bd640bbb49277eafebbe041a0ddc2Wed, 01 Nov 2023 03:14:15 +0000RB on Paper: Congruent number triangles with the same hypotenusehttps://davidlowryduda.com/paper-congruent-triangles-same-hypotenuse<p>Ah, I missed "primitive" so I will go back to my GP-Pari routines, since I have an efficient way of finding square pairs summing to a third square.</p>4321d77bb11625f59f4191b333be9a8cWed, 01 Nov 2023 03:14:15 +0000DLD on Paper: Congruent number triangles with the same hypotenusehttps://davidlowryduda.com/paper-congruent-triangles-same-hypotenuse<p>Thank you for your comment RB. The conjecture refers to <em>primitive</em> triangles for exactly this reason. The description above now includes your example in the description.</p>8493da67b7967e22b20c7aafa5584217Wed, 01 Nov 2023 03:14:15 +0000RB on Paper: Congruent number triangles with the same hypotenusehttps://davidlowryduda.com/paper-congruent-triangles-same-hypotenuse<p>David, the triangles $(740, 777, 1073)$ and $(348, 1015, 1073)$ both have the same hypotenuse. They both have the same non-square area $210$. In your paper you say these triangles do not exist? Did I miss something?</p>d91fb714da097f9986f809cf896e8cc5Wed, 01 Nov 2023 03:14:15 +0000davidlowryduda on Initial thoughts on visualizing number fieldshttps://davidlowryduda.com/pcmi-vis-nf<p>At CIRM in Luminy, a great alternative idea was proposed. The idea is to replicate parts of Mumford's famous picture on $\mathrm{Spec}(\mathbb{Z}[x])$, but presumably focus on only a single horizontal line (which corresponds to a fixed number field). This would display splitting behavior of various primes with some sort of line plot.</p> <p>I think this is worth checking out!</p>dd5f5eb696ddc8c8cbc2c038d1250881Thu, 02 Mar 2023 03:14:15 +0000davidlowryduda on Slides from a talk at Concordia Universityhttps://davidlowryduda.com/slides-from-concordia-2023<p>I mean <em>compute an arbitrarily close approximation</em> here. And I should note that there are a fixed set of Maass forms with eigenvalues in some range $\frac{1}{4} < \lambda < \lambda_2$, so there are a precise list of forms that I am trying to find close approximations to.</p>54f291eaa6e515f8395f4fb98a80bfb0Wed, 01 Mar 2023 03:14:15 +0000AA on Slides from a talk at Concordia Universityhttps://davidlowryduda.com/slides-from-concordia-2023<p>What does it mean to compute something that is uncomputable?</p>2debf2e2c316a5ed24073eda75519023Wed, 01 Mar 2023 03:14:15 +0000DLD on On Mathstodonhttps://davidlowryduda.com/on-mathstodon<p><a href="https://mathstodon.xyz/@davidlowryduda">@davidlowryduda@mathstodon.xyz</a>.</p>8a19677b8293b549c1e68b3f6bdd7029Mon, 02 Jan 2023 03:14:15 +0000PD on Making Plots of Modular Formshttps://davidlowryduda.com/making-plots-of-modular-forms<p>Thanks for the quick reply and your code! I was working already with few libs.</p>3652a9161a1da72b7017f21331085fe6Mon, 02 Jan 2023 03:14:15 +0000